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"Music is an outburst of the soul

Frederick Delius


Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. It is our intent at St Mary’s to foster in our students life enhancing skills and knowledge of all aspects of music (performing, composing and understanding) in order to live culturally rich lives.

The musical universe is massively diverse, so we enable our students to experience and study the best examples of this art in order to make sense of all music.

Subject Overview

The curriculum is structured around performing, composing and understanding (through listening). Underpinning these are the musical elements which are structured in a spiral curriculum, allowing skills to develop throughout Key Stage 3. Musical notation is taught as part of each module. Singing is integral to our weekly practice.

Course Content

MusicYears 7 - 9

Year 7

Famous Melodies, Harmony Hacks, Cracking Choruses, Musicals, Year 7 Festival

Year 8

Improvising the Blues, The Power of Repetition, Music for Dance, Year 8 Festival

Year 9

Music technology – Music for Film, Song-writing and production

Music Years 10 - 11

Year 10

NEA composition, Performance and Listening

Year 11

NEA composition, Performance and Listening












‘I love Music as it takes my mind off everything else and allows me to focus on what I enjoy’
‘I’ve worked with new people who I wouldn’t normally work with, and discovered their abilities’
‘You get to express how you feel, not on a page, but through music’

Music Students