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"Art helps us understand ourselves and the world around us.”

Mrs Craven, Subject Leader for Art


Subject Overview

Through studying the artwork of others, students learn to explore the world and its many different cultures and beliefs. Students learn to be tolerant and broaden their own thinking. Our curriculum is built around the three principles of:

• Ignite
• Critique
• Create

We aim to create an enriching student experience, developing resilience and confidence. Our curriculum equips students with the skills and knowledge needed to engage in the creation of Art. Students will have their artistic interest ignited through diverse and creative investigations, informed by great artists past and present, and our own artistic discoveries

‘Every child is an artist’ Pablo Picasso

Course Content

Years 7 - 9

Students develop their artist awareness and understanding across a broad range of foundation skills. These include: 
• Graphic Design
• Drawing
• Painting
• Sculpture
• Ceramics
• Printmaking
• Photography
• Digital Art
• Collage
• Mixed media 

Years 10 and 11

Students recap and build on the foundation skills developed in the earlier years. They develop Independence as an artist and confidence in their own ability. Pupils explore many Art and Design skills and processes throughout the two components of this course. They build a portfolio of work that gains access to courses at KS5:
• GCSE Art and Design follow the AQA Art and Design (Fine Art) specification.
• Component 1 (60%) Portfolio of work (Montage project and major project)
• Component 2 (40%) Externally set examination.



Curriculum Documents