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Computer Science

"Computational thinking and creativity are important aspects needed to understand and change the world.”

Mr Ashraf, Subject Leader for Computer Science


Subject Overview

In Computer Science, we support our learners in acquiring the essential skills to become well rounded, creative, technical thinkers and problem solvers in the ever- changing world of technology. Our curriculum allows learners to develop their transferable computer program design and coding skills preparing them to code in a variety of languages. Learners are introduced to computational thinking techniques and explore how they can be applied when solving a wide range of problems, both computer-based and throughout their everyday lives. Learners also develop their understanding of how computers work and use them safely.

Course Content

Computer Science Years 7 - 9

Students are taught the principles of information and computation; how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Topics of study include:
• Staying Safe and Legal Online
• Algorithm Design `
• Computational Thinking
• Programming in textual and non-textual languages
• Data representation
• Boolean logic
• Computer hardware and software
• Programming the BBC Microbit Computer
• Coding for the WWW
• Databases
• Spreadsheets

Computer Science Years 10 and 11

Building on the knowledge and understanding of previous years, learners are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content and advance their knowledge of computer systems. Topics of study include:
• Systems architecture
• Memory and storage
• Computer networks, connections and protocols
• Network security
• Systems software
• Ethical, legal, cultural and environmental impacts of digital technology
• Algorithms
• Programming fundamentals
• Producing robust programs
• Boolean logic
• Programming languages and Integrated Development Environments










Computer science is a vital subject in the curriculum as it helps prepare us for life. I really enjoy using lesson tracker to complete work as it sets us targets to work towards. We learn lots of different things in lesson including how to code in python using Replit and how to stay safe while using the internet.

EM Year 8

I enjoy doing computer science at school for it is preparing me to be able to use programming in the future. In lesson we learn about programming, computer systems and networks. When I am older, I would like to be an engineer so studying computer science will greatly help me towards achieving my career goals.
AF Year 10
At St Marys, I study computer science. This subject is one I very much enjoy as I am taught how to develop my coding skills in Python, while also gaining knowledge on topics such as the fundamentals of computing as well as the ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology and so much more. This will help me with real-life scenarios as I hope to enter this line of work in the future. '
AP Year 10
Since the start of my experience in school, I have enjoined doing computer science. It has helped me to be safe online, understand how to use certain technology and websites and has given me some key online and working tools for the future.
JS Year 7
This year, I've gotten a lot better at understanding the fundamentals of computing and developing them to a higher level. I've also improved a lot at creating more efficient and structured programs.
HN Year 10